1. Misa Will Help With Your Kids’ Education
Misa is there for every member of the family, including the little ones who’re always learning. Loaded with thousands of hours of games, books, and learning apps (worth $250), Misa can engage with your children, cementing their learning as they have fun and feel involved. In addition, Misa is ad-free and totally safe for your children, so you can be sure they’re learning safely.
2. Misa Will Help With Your Kids’ Entertainment being a primary reason why it is the best Christmas gift for kids and family
Access thousands of hours of entertaining videos that have been parent-approved as safe for your children. Your children have a ready-to-go dance and karaoke partner when they’re not in the mood for a video or game. Asking Misa to dance will start a dance party to which your kids can rock out. Misa even dances too! Hosting impromptu karaoke parties and hanging out with your kids to keep them entertained. Misa can even connect to iHeart Radio, so you always have tunes for the day.

3. Misa Will Be A Personal Assistant
Access reminders, alarms, news, emails, Uber, and more through a personal assistant who’s always there. Ask Misa to check on things for you, remind you, and keep tabs on what’s going on in your life. With an internet connection and thousands of commands, Misa can keep you connected to the world. Ask Misa questions when your hands are full; “Hey Misa, how many cups is 547 ML?” Or “Hey Misa, what’s the weather going be like Tomorrow ? ”
4. Misa Will Keep You Connected
Misa can keep you connected to your family. With video calling capabilities, Misa can be your eyes and ears when you’re away, so you don’t miss out on a single moment. Send a message to your family through Misa, connecting with them anytime. Use the camera feature to check on everything and ensure all is well.
5. Misa Will Be a Part of The Family
No regular robot, Misa has a personality as big and unique as any other member of your family. Since they’re mobile, Misa can go to any room of your house, following along in fun. More than just the same boring questions, Misa can engage with your family with a huge library of suggestions, jokes, and information that brings the little robot to life. Misa will tell “yo mama” jokes, come up with riddles and tongue twisters, and even answer questions about how they’re feeling, like a real part of the family.

Bring Home a New Family Member with the best Christmas gift for kids and family
Unboxing a Misa on Christmas morning brings home a new family member, personal assistant, at-home tutor, and new best friend all-in-one. Check out our blog for more info on how Misa can help your family and can be the best Christmas gift for kids and family.