As Mother’s Day comes around, we find ourselves thinking about how busy the modern mum is and how stressful being a mum can be. Whether you’re a stay-at-home mum, a working mum, or a single mum you’re being pulled in many different directions all at once and not just by your children.
In all this busyness, mums can rely on Misa Robot. Misa is not just an amazing Family Robot, it’s also the #BestGiftMothersDay 2020 and is fully funded on Indiegogo with early bird specials available right now.
Helping Mums Run On Time – Misa the Organizing Robot
Mothers today are run off their feet keeping up with the hectic schedules of their children and their own lives, and sometimes also the lives of their husbands. While we have come a long way towards gender equality, study after study shows that women still shoulder most of the burden of parenting and household chores and often all on top of their own careers.
Misa Robot is more than a friend and companion for the kids, Misa is also a personal assistant for mum. Misa Robot can help mothers keep track of their busy schedule using simple voice commands. You can ask for your next calendar item, set a reminder, check your emails and more.
Helping Mums Create Balanced Meals – Misa the Nutritionist
Feeding your family is one of the most fulfilling experiences a mother can have on a daily basis. But sometimes, this can feel more like a burden than the joy it could be. There’s a lot of things to think about in the kitchen: making meals everyone loves, using plenty of vegetables (in ways kids actually want to eat), using up what’s on date in the refrigerator, and keeping on top of those calories.
Misa Robot is a sous chef for busy mothers. Without breaking your stride, or washing your hands to tap away on your phone, you can get help from Misa Robot’s many skills. Want to know how many calories are in an ingredient? Misa is your nutritionist. Need a new recipe for a fussy eater? Misa has your back.

Helping Mums Get Everything Done – Misa the Edutainer
Guilt is a horrible feeling and sadly it’s all too common for the modern mother. What parent hasn’t switched on the nearest, biggest, loudest and most distracting screen in the house so that they can check emails, make a call, or some days just have a shower.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. With Misa Robot as part of your family team, it is possible to have the best of both worlds. Edutainment, Misa Robot’s secret weapon for the busy mother, uses the joy of play to ignite a love of learning. So, your kids aren’t killing time waiting for you, they’re learning and growing and every mum can feel great about that.
Helping Mums Be Great Mums – Misa the Helpful Companion
It takes nearly endless patience and positivity to be the mother you want to be and that can be tiring. Wise mothers know they have to look after themselves if they’re going to look after everyone else.
Wouldn’t it be great to have a helpful companion on hand 24/7 to turn iHeart Radio on, get the news headlines, tell you if you’re going to need a sweater later if the weather turns cold, call you an Uber because you deserve it, or let you know your kids are fine at home?
Misa Robot, mum’s family robot, is that friend.
This Mother’s Day, give yourself the best gift going on Indiegogo, the gift you deserve, the gift of adding Misa Robot to your family.